Filipe Dias


  1. 2016-02-29

    Officially homeless 😀

  2. 2016-02-27

    Today packing day. tomorrow storage day, Monday become a nomad day.

  3. 2016-02-22

    Try this address in Firefox:

  4. 2016-02-21

    What lenght is 1/10000000 of half a Meridian of the Earth? (more or less)

  5. 2016-02-21

    Careful, Biology joke ahead 😀
    Mitosis in action...

  6. Making the Modern World Trivia game, Paris Edition

    These medallions are present all over Paris, even inside some buildings.
    What do they represent?

    Louvre Museum

    The Paris Meridian

  7. Metre

    What length was considered to be 1/10,000,000 of half a Meridian of the Earth?



  8. Where am I?

    Beginners level


  9. Sci-Hub

    The Pirate-Bay of Scientific Articles and a quest for freedom of information.

  10. 2016-02-11

    funny image