Filipe Dias


  1. 2009-05-11

    lives long and prospers. Cool movie, good choice at the cinema.

  2. 2009-04-22

    started his beach season today with a swim (5 second one, chilly water) in the ocean

  3. 2009-03-21

    is locked outside for an hour. Lovely :S

  4. 2009-03-21

    is back home, finally.

  5. 2009-03-14

    agrees with Patrick. So what if Facebook looks different, get over it!

  6. 2009-03-13

    is enjoying 25° outside. Nice...

  7. 2009-03-10

    has started his swedish course.

  8. 2009-02-19

    is back home <<< see my Note on this >>>

  9. Found one that relates to yesterday's conversation.

  10. 2009-02-13

    is in Sweden