Filipe Dias


  1. 2020-09-28

    there's one day that I'll leave Facebook or Facebook will cease to exist

    and after sorting through 13 years of FB posts and shares, saving 869 items to host myself

    on that day my baggage goes with me B)

  2. 2020-09-21

    A few days ago I requested a copy of my Facebook data.
    WOW :o

  3. 2020-09-20

    funny image

  4. A must see:

    Comedy Wildlife Photo

  5. 2020-08-19

    funny image

  6. 2020-06-08

    I'll start eating less sweets, because it's better for me
    Also me:
    I should reward this good decision with cake

  7. 2020-06-01

    funny image

  8. Youtube

    Lego Waffles and coffee - Lego In Real Life 5 / Stop Motion Cooking & ASMR

  9. Satellite watching time

    Trying to catch a glimpse of the ISS, the Starlink satellite constellation and other satellites, but you never know when they're passing 'close by'?

  10. 2020-05-10

    funny image