Filipe Dias


  1. 2008-08-13

    is finally going to Trummelbach falls 😀

  2. 2008-08-08

    is celebrating X-mas 4 months sooner

  3. 2008-08-02

    is wooooofffff... done...

  4. 2008-07-25

    is busy busy busy with Discos and August 1st

  5. 2008-07-12

    is doing August 1st

  6. 2008-07-05

    is starting very soon with August 1st stuff

  7. 2008-07-01

    is chilled...

  8. 2008-06-27

    is thinking that Rachel is crazy

  9. 2008-06-20

    just saw 30 new Pinkies appear from everywhere

  10. 2008-06-16

    is finishing training time and start summer work