Filipe Dias


  1. 2009-09-07

    why am I seing the same Facebook status updates for the past 3 days? Is it Groundhog day or what?

  2. 2009-08-15

    28° C at 22h00 yesterday, and today more or less the same but with Fireworks. Nice...

  3. 2009-08-03

    has a Wacom tablet and is just doodling random stuff

  4. 2009-08-01

    Happy Swiss day everyone.

  5. 2009-07-31

    believes that a machine hammering the sidewalk 10 metres away from the bedroom window at 7:30 is not an improvement to an alarm clock :S

  6. 2009-07-27

    the 2nd worst thing about following a travel blog is that you really want to go and see the things written there right now. Of course the worst thing is to realize you can't go. Arghhhh...

  7. 2009-07-20

    Today 40 years ago the first step on the moon was made.

  8. 2009-06-27

    Happy Pink Day 09

  9. 2009-06-18

    it's 23h40 and still 27° C outside and no wind.

  10. 2009-06-17

    it's too warm to breathe right :S