Filipe Dias


  1. 2014-10-09

    funny image

  2. How not to be ignorant about the world

  3. 2014-09-08

    funny image

  4. 2014-09-07

    funny image

  5. 2014-09-05

    Going on a train with a dead seagull stuck in the front. Maybe it reduces drag and saves power.

  6. 2014-08-27

    Screw all the ice bucket, moustaches and wristbands videos and other fads. From now on, I will donate 4% of my income for the rest of my life. A percentage to go higher in the future.

  7. 2014-08-24

    Esta tentativa de comprar ebooks em pt-pt foi um falhanço total. A não ser comprar romances da caca, parece que só daqui a vários anos.

  8. Aqui está o link para o video das cores

  9. Fly, you fools!

    This Guy Just Changed The Way We See Lord Of The Rings. Mind Blown

  10. 2014-07-19

    Quem diria, 35° aqui.