Filipe Dias


  1. 2010-01-14

    amidst cancelled flights in Geneva, managed to get a late arrival and made my way to Denmark. I did forget to make a packed lunch though (newbie mistake)

  2. 2010-01-12

    is leaving in 14 hours.

  3. 2010-01-05

    is so sick I had to postpone a flight. Next victim of the Kanderplague.

  4. 2010-01-01

    Feliz Ano Novo pessoal Happy New Year people.

  5. 2009-12-28

    in Kandersteg

  6. 2009-12-25

    Santa stole the electricity this year. Gonna get you, bearded fat man.

  7. 2009-12-10

    alguém quer um Miau de 7 meses? Uma boa prenda de Natal, que tal?

  8. 2009-12-04

    was crapped on by a flock of seagulls passing by, while waiting for the train. Lovely... :S

  9. 2009-11-24

    donated blood yesterday and today went on a bike run. I guess it wasn't the best idea ever :S

  10. 2009-11-05

    it's getting cold here, with temperatures barely reaching 20° :S